During the Munich crisis, U.S.A. pursued the appeasement policy to Nazi Germany. 1938年9月慕尼黑危机期间,美国对纳粹德国奉行绥靖政策。
The Europeans 'appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers. 欧洲国家对非理性政权的绥靖政策,只会让潜在危机恶化。
Reason of British Appeasement Policy toward Germany between the Two World Wars 两战期间英国对德绥靖政策原因的新视角
The proposition is that the world's superpower has a binary choice between aggression and appeasement in the conduct of foreign policy. 人们的看法是,作为世界超级大国,美国在外交政策上有两种选择:或者咄咄逼人,或者息事宁人。
Political and economic bonds when the Appeasement Policy worked. 苏联对德国实行绥靖政策时两国的政治经济贸易。
Appeasement policy is political phenomena under specific conditions. 绥靖政策是特定的政治现象。
Rethinking Over Appeasement Policy of Britain 英国绥靖政策再探讨
At the early stage of the Sino-Japanese War, Britain adopted an appeasement policy towards Japan, tolerating all Japanese expansive encroachment in China. 本文研究抗战初期英国对中日战争的反应,认为英国对日本在中国的侵略扩张活动采取了绥靖政策。
The Origin, Development and End of the Appeasement Policy of Soviet Unions 苏联绥靖政策的产生、发展和收场
Probe the Reason of British Appeasement Policy to Nazi Germany 简析英国对德绥靖政策的历史渊源
The Formation of Britain's "Political Appeasement" Policy to Japan in 1934 试析1934年英国政治绥靖日本政策的提出
This appeasement policy helped to whet the aggressive ambition of the Japanese Government, for which USA paid heavily. 正是由于美国对日政策的无所作为,助长了日本政府的侵略气焰,并让美国付出了惨重的代价。
With Hitler launched war in April 1940, Americas~ appeasement and containment policy failed. 但是,美国推行的这一政策没有取得效果,随着希特勒1940年4月再次发动侵略,美国绥靖与遏制并存的对德政策宣告失败。
During Nyon meeting, Britain had once implemented Appeasement Policy to Italy in sep. 1937, its aim was to relax relationship between Britain and Italy. 1937年9月,英国在尼翁会议期间对意大利实行了以缓和英意关系为主要特征的绥靖外交。
Analyze the Soviet Appeasement Policy. 第三部分:对苏联的绥靖德国政策进行分析。
Appeasement Policy of Anglo-French and their attempt to channel the conflict between Russia and Germany ultimately compelled USSR to give up pursuing of collective security conception gradually, opting instead to engage with Germany for security guarantees. 英法的绥靖行为和祸水东引的企图最终使苏联逐步放弃追求集体安全的构想,转而与德国接触以获得安全保障。
Japan was not passive to accept the Appeasement Policy implemented by Britain during the different periods. Instead, Japan was active to lead and make use of the Appeasement Policy through active diplomatic and military strategies. 而且针对英国各阶段的绥靖政策,日本并不是一味被动的接受,而是通过积极的外交军事配合,主动地进行引导并加以利用。
In September 1939, Nazi Germany launched the invasion of Poland, declaring the bankruptcy of the appeasement policy. 1939年9月,德国向波兰发动了侵略战争,宣告了绥靖政策的彻底破产。